Sfoglia per Autore Opferkuch, Toby Oliver
Froggatt-Nielsen models with a residual Z4R symmetry
2013-01-01 Dreiner, Herbi K.; Opferkuch, Toby; Luhn, Christoph
Dynamical Generation of the Peccei-Quinn Scale in Gauge Mediation
2015-01-01 Festuccia, Guido; Opferkuch, Toby; Ubaldi, Lorenzo
Precision tools and models to narrow in on the 750 GeV diphoton resonance
2016-01-01 Staub, Florian; Athron, Peter; Basso, Lorenzo; Goodsell, Mark D.; Harries, Dylan; Krauss, Manuel E.; Nickel, Kilian; Opferkuch, Toby; Ubaldi, Lorenzo; Vicente, Avelino; Voigt, Alexander
Validity of the CMSSM interpretation of the diphoton excess
2016-01-01 Dreiner, H. K.; Krauss, M. E.; O'Leary, B.; Opferkuch, T.; Staub, F.
A constrained supersymmetric left-right model
2016-01-01 Hirsch, M.; Krauss, M. E.; Opferkuch, T.; Porod, W.; Staub, F.
Soft gamma rays from heavy WIMPs
2016-01-01 Krauss, M. E.; Opferkuch, T.; Staub, F.; Winkler, M. W.
R-parity violation at the LHC
2017-01-01 Dercks, D.; Dreiner, H.; Krauss, M. E.; Opferkuch, T.; Reinert, A.
Perspectives for detecting lepton flavour violation in left-right symmetric models
2017-01-01 Bonilla, C.; Krauss, M. E.; Opferkuch, T.; Porod, W.
Spontaneous charge breaking in the NMSSM: dangerous or not?
2017-01-01 Krauss, M. E.; Opferkuch, T.; Staub, F.
The ultraviolet landscape of two-Higgs doublet models
2018-01-01 Krauss, M. E.; Opferkuch, T.; Staub, F.
Cuckoo’s eggs in neutron stars: can LIGO hear chirps from the dark sector?
2018-01-01 Kopp, J.; Laha, R.; Opferkuch, T.; Shepherd, W.
N -loop running should be combined with N -loop matching
2018-01-01 Braathen, J.; Goodsell, M. D.; Krauss, M. E.; Opferkuch, T.; Staub, F.
Ricci reheating
2019-01-01 Opferkuch, T.; Schwaller, P.; Stefanek, B. A.
Dark, cold, and noisy: Constraining secluded hidden sectors with gravitational waves
2019-01-01 Breitbach, M.; Kopp, J.; Madge, E.; Opferkuch, T.; Schwaller, P.
Gravitational wave probes of dark matter: challenges and opportunities
2020-01-01 Bertone, G.; Croon, D.; Amin, M. A.; Boddy, K. K.; Kavanagh, B. J.; Mack, K. J.; Natarajan, P.; Opferkuch, T.; Schutz, K.; Takhistov, V.; Weniger, C.; Yu, T. -T.
Gravitational Imprints of Flavor Hierarchies
2020-01-01 Greljo, A.; Opferkuch, T.; Stefanek, B. A.
Probing muonic forces with neutron star binaries
2020-01-01 Dror, J. A.; Laha, R.; Opferkuch, T.
Dark matter, destroyer of worlds: Neutrino, thermal, and existential signatures from black holes in the Sun and Earth
2021-01-01 Acevedo, J.; Bramante, J.; Goodman, A.; Kopp, J.; Opferkuch, T.
The neutrino magnetic moment portal: cosmology, astrophysics, and direct detection
2021-01-01 Brdar, Vedran; Greljo, Admir; Kopp, Joachim; Opferkuch, Toby
Lepton PDFs and multipurpose single-lepton searches at the LHC
2023-01-01 Dreiner, H. K.; Lozano, V. M.; Nangia, S.; Opferkuch, T.
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