Sfoglia per ???browse.type.metadata.descriptionInternationalagreements??? INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Concavity, response functions and replica energy
2018-01-01 Campa, A.; Casetti, L.; Latella, I.; Perez-Madrid, A.; Ruffo, S.
Criticality of spin systems with weak long-range interactions
2020-01-01 Defenu, N.; Codello, A.; Ruffo, S.; Trombettoni, A.
Detectability of the τes−21cm cross-correlation: a tomographic probe of patchy reionization
2020-01-01 Roy, Anirban; Lapi, Andrea; Spergel, David; Basak, Soumen; Baccigalupi, Carlo
Effective negative specific heat by destabilization of metastable states in dipolar systems
2020-01-01 Loladze, V.; Dauxois, T.; Khomeriki, R.; Ruffo, S.
Ensemble inequivalence and absence of quasi-stationary states in long-range random networks
2017-01-01 Chakhmakhchyan, L.; Teles, T. N.; Ruffo, S.
Ensemble inequivalence in the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model near a fourth-order critical point
2019-01-01 Prasad, V. V.; Campa, A.; Mukamel, D.; Ruffo, S.
Entanglement Hamiltonians of lattice models via the Bisognano-Wichmann theorem
2018-01-01 Giudici, G.; Mendes-Santos, T.; Calabrese, P.; Dalmonte, M.
Equilibration in the Nosé-Hoover isokinetic ensemble: Effect of inter-particle interactions
2017-01-01 Gupta, S.; Ruffo, S.
From regular black holes to horizonless objects: quasi-normal modes, instabilities and spectroscopy
2024-01-01 Franzin, E.; Liberati, S.; Vellucci, V.
Fundamental properties of the dark and the luminous matter from the low surface brightness discs
2021-01-01 Salucci, P.; Di Paolo, C.
Generalised CP symmetry in modular-invariant models of flavour
2019-01-01 Novichkov, P.; Penedo, J. T.; Petcov, S. T.; Titov, A. V.
Higgs bundles and fundamental group schemes
2019-01-01 Biswas, I.; Bruzzo, U.; Gurjar, S.
Higgs varieties and fundamental groups
2018-01-01 Bruzzo, Ugo; Grana Otero, Beatriz
Holography, localisation of information and subregions
2023-12-15 Bahiru, EYOAB DEJENE
Impact of dark matter models on the EoR 21-cm signal bispectrum
2020-01-01 Saxena, Anchal; Majumdar, Suman; Kamran, Mohd; Viel, Matteo
The impact of relativistic effects on the 3D Quasar-Lyman-α cross-correlation
2020-01-01 Lepori, Francesca; Iršič, Vid; Dio, Enea Di; Viel, Matteo
Inequivalence of coset constructions for spacetime symmetries: Coupling with gravity
2016-01-01 Baratella, Pietro; Creminelli, Paolo; Serone, Marco; Trevisan, Gabriele
Integrable systems away from critically: The Toda field theory and S-matrix of the tricritical Ising model
1990-01-01 Christe, P; Mussardo, Giuseppe
Ising chains with competing interactions in the presence of long-range couplings
2019-01-01 Campa, A.; Gori, G.; Hovhannisyan, V.; Ruffo, S.; Trombettoni, A.
Isomonodromic deformations along a stratum of the coalescence locus
2022-01-01 Guzzetti, Davide
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