Sfoglia per SSD Settore BIO/13 - Biologia Applicata
Decreased number and increased activation state of astrocytes in gray and white matter of the prefrontal cortex in autism
2022-01-01 Vakilzadeh, Gelareh; Falcone, Carmen; Dufour, Brett; Hong, Tiffany; Noctor, Stephen C; Martínez-Cerdeño, Verónica
Defined α-synuclein prion-like molecular assemblies spreading in cell culture
2014-01-01 Aulic, Suzana; Le, T. T.; Moda, F.; Abounit, S.; Corvaglia, S.; Casalis, L.; Gustincich, Stefano; Zurzolo, C.; Tagliavini, F.; Legname, Giuseppe
Delivery of graphene oxide nanosheets modulates glutamate release and normalizes amygdala synaptic plasticity to improve anxiety-related behavior
2023-01-01 Pati, Elisa; FRANCESCHI BIAGIONI, Audrey; Casani, Raffaele; Lozano, Neus; Kostarelos, Kostas; Cellot, Giada; Ballerini, Laura
Development and Characterization of scaffold based three-dimensional neuronal cultures
2017-11-14 Ulloa Severino, Francesco Paolo
Diatom flagellar genes and their expression during sexual reproduction in Leptocylindrus danicus
2017-01-01 Nanjappa, Deepak; Sanges, Remo; Ferrante, Maria I.; Zingone, Adriana
Differential divergence of three human pseudoautosomal genes and their mouse homologs: Implications for sex chromosome evolution
2001-01-01 Gianfrancesco, Fernando; Sanges, Remo; Esposito, Teresa; Tempesta, Sergio; Rao, Ercole; Rappold, Gudrun; Archidiacono, Nicoletta; Graves, Jennifer A. M.; Forabosco, Antonino; D'Urso, Michele
Differential roles of epigenetic changes and Foxp3 expression in regulatory T cell-specific transcriptional regulation
2014-01-01 Morikawa, H; Ohkura, N; Vandenbon, A; Itoh, M; Nagao Sato, S; Kawaji, H; Lassmann, T; Carninci, P; Hayashizaki, Y; Forrest, Ar; Standley, Dm; Date, H; Sakaguchi, S; FANTOM Consortium (Forrest, Ar; Kawaji, H; Rehli, M; Baillie, Jk; de Hoon, Mj; Haberle, V; Lassmann, T; Kulakovskiy, Iv; Lizio, M; Itoh, M; Andersson, R; Mungall, Cj; Meehan, Tf; Schmeier, S; Bertin, N; Jørgensen, M; Dimont, E; Arner, E; Schmidl, C; Schaefer, U; Medvedeva, Ya; Plessy, C; Vitezic, M; Severin, J; Semple, Ca; Ishizu, Y; Francescatto, M; Alam, I; Albanese, D; Altschuler, Gm; Archer, Ja; Arner, P; Babina, M; Baker, S; Balwierz, Pj; Beckhouse, Ag; Pradhan Bhatt, S; Blake, Ja; Blumenthal, A; Bodega, B; Bonetti, A; Briggs, J; Brombacher, F; Burroughs, Am; Califano, A; Cannistraci, Cv; Carbajo, D; Chen, Y; Chierici, M; Ciani, Y; Clevers, Hc; Dalla, E; Davis, Ca; Deplancke, B; Detmar, M; Diehl, Ad; Dohi, T; Drabløs, F; Edge, As; Edinger, M; Ekwall, K; Endoh, M; Enomoto, H; Fagiolini, M; Fairbairn, L; Fang, H; Farach Carson, Mc; Faulkner, Gj; Favorov, Av; Fisher, Me; Frith, Mc; Fujita, R; Fukuda, S; Furlanello, C; Furuno, M; Furusawa, J; Geijtenbeek, Tb; Gibson, A; Gingeras, T; Goldowitz, D; Gough, J; Guhl, S; Guler, R; Gustincich, Stefano; Ha, Tj; Hamaguchi, M; Hara, M; Harbers, M; Harshbarger, J; Hasegawa, A; Hasegawa, Y; Hashimoto, T; Herlyn, M; Hitchens, Kj; Ho Sui, Sj; Hofmann, Om; Hoof, I; Hori, F; Huminiecki, L; Iida, K; Ikawa, T; Jankovic, Br; Jia, H; Joshi, A; Jurman, G; Kaczkowski, B; Kai, C; Kaida, K; Kaiho, A; Kajiyama, K; Kanamori Katayama, M; Kasianov, As; Kasukawa, T; Katayama, S; Kato, S; Kawaguchi, S; Kawamoto, H; Kawamura, Yi; Kawashima, T; Kempfle, Js; Kenna, Tj; Kere, J; Khachigian, Lm; Kitamura, T; Klinken, Sp; Knox, Aj; Kojima, M; Kojima, S; Kondo, N; Koseki, H; Koyasu, S; Krampitz, S; Kubosaki, A; Kwon, At; Laros, Jf; Lee, W; Lennartsson, A; Li, K; Lilje, B; Lipovich, L; Mackay Sim, A; Manabe, R; Mar, Jc; Marchand, B; Mathelier, A; Mejhert, N; Meynert, A; Mizuno, Y; Morais, Da; Morikawa, H; Morimoto, M; Moro, K; Motakis, E; Motohashi, H; Mummery, Cl; Murata, M; Nagao Sato, S; Nakachi, Y; Nakahara, F; Nakamura, T; Nakamura, Y; Nakazato, K; van Nimwegen, E; Ninomiya, N; Nishiyori, H; Noma, S; Nozaki, T; Ogishima, S; Ohkura, N; Ohmiya, H; Ohno, H; Ohshima, M; Okada Hatakeyama, M; Okazaki, Y; Orlando, V; Ovchinnikov, Da; Pain, A; Passier, R; Patrikakis, M; Persson, H; Piazza, S; Prendergast, Jg; Rackham, Oj; Ramilowski, Ja; Rashid, M; Ravasi, T; Rizzu, P; Roncador, M; Roy, S; Rye, Mb; Saijyo, E; Sajantila, A; Saka, A; Sakaguchi, S; Sakai, M; Sato, H; Satoh, H; Savvi, S; Saxena, A; Schneider, C; Schultes, Ea; Schulze Tanzil, Gg; Schwegmann, A; Sengstag, T; Sheng, G; Shimoji, H; Shimoni, Y; Shin, Jw; Simon, C; Sugiyama, D; Sugiyama, T; Suzuki, M; Swoboda, Rk; 't Hoen, Pa; Tagami, M; Takahashi, N; Takai, J; Tanaka, H; Tatsukawa, H; Tatum, Z; Thompson, M; Toyoda, H; Toyoda, T; Valen, E; van de Wetering, M; van den Berg, Lm; Verardo, R; Vijayan, D; Vorontsov, Ie; Wasserman, Ww; Watanabe, S; Wells, Ca; Winteringham, Ln; Wolvetang, E; Wood, Ej; Yamaguchi, Y; Yamamoto, M; Yoneda, M; Yonekura, Y; Yoshida, S; Zabierowski, Se; Zhang, Pg; Zhao, X; Zucchelli, S; Summers, Km; Suzuki, H; Daub, Co; Kawai, J; Heutink, P; Hide, W; Freeman, Tc; Lenhard, B; Bajic, Vb; Taylor, Ms; Makeev, Vj; Sandelin, A; Hume, Da; Carninci, P; Hayashizaki, Y.
Direct generation of functional dopaminergic neurons from mouse and human fibroblasts
2011-01-01 Caiazzo, M; Dell'Anno, M. T.; Dvoretskova, E; Lazarevic, D; Taverna, S; Leo, D; Sotnikova, T. D.; Menegon, A; Roncaglia, P; Colciago, G; Russo, G; Carninci, P; Pezzoli, G; Gainetdinov, Rr; Gustincich, Stefano; Dityatev, A; Broccoli, V.
Dissecting the genetics of autism spectrum disorders: A Drosophila perspective
2019-01-01 Bellosta, P.; Soldano, A.
Dissecting the transcriptional phenotype of ribosomal protein deficiency: implications for Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
2014-01-01 Aspesi, A.; Pavesi, E.; Robotti, E; Crescitelli, R; Boria, I; Avondo, F; Moniz, H; Da Costa, L; Mohandas, N; Roncaglia, P; Ramenghi, U; Ronchi, A; Gustincich, Stefano; Merlin, S; Marengo, E; Ellis, S. R.; Follenzi, A; Santoro, C; Dianzani, I.
Distribution, community composition, and potential metabolic activity of bacterioplankton in an urbanized Mediterranean Sea coastal zone
2017-01-01 Richa, Kumari; Balestra, Cecilia; Piredda, Roberta; Benes, Vladimir; Borra, Marco; Passarelli, Augusto; Margiotta, Francesca; Saggiomo, Maria; Biffali, Elio; Sanges, Remo; Scanlan, David J.; Casotti, Raffaella
Domini strutturali di molecole di RNA antisenso che aumentano la traduzione
2018-02-05 Gustincich, S.; Zucchelli, S.; Podbešek, P.; Hazuki Takahashi, J. P.; Sharma, H.; Ohyama, T.; Yamazaki, T.; Carninci, P.
A draft genome sequence of the elusive giant squid, Architeuthis dux
2020-01-01 Da Fonseca, R. R.; Couto, A.; Machado, A. M.; Brejova, B.; Albertin, C. B.; Silva, F.; Gardner, P.; Baril, T.; Hayward, A.; Campos, A.; Ribeiro, A. M.; Barrio-Hernandez, I.; Hoving, H. -J.; Tafur-Jimenez, R.; Chu, C.; Frazao, B.; Petersen, B.; Penaloza, F.; Musacchia, F.; Alexander, G. C.; Osorio, H.; Winkelmann, I.; Simakov, O.; Rasmussen, S.; Rahman, M. Z.; Pisani, D.; Vinther, J.; Jarvis, E.; Zhang, G.; Strugnell, J. M.; Castro, L. F. C.; Fedrigo, O.; Patricio, M.; Li, Q.; Rocha, S.; Antunes, A.; Wu, Y.; Ma, B.; Sanges, R.; Vinar, T.; Blagoev, B.; Sicheritz-Ponten, T.; Nielsen, R.; Gilbert, M. T. P.
The Drosophila homologue of the amyloid precursor protein is a conserved modulator of Wnt PCP signaling
2013-01-01 Soldano, Alessia; Okray, Zeynep; Janovska, Pavlina; Tmejová, Kateřina; Reynaud, Elodie; Claeys, Annelies; Yan, Jiekun; Atak, Zeynep Kalender; De Strooper, Bart; Dura, Jean-Maurice; Bryja, Vítězslav; Hassan, Bassem A
Drosophila melanogaster as a model to study autophagy in neurodegenerative diseases induced by proteinopathies
2023-01-01 Santarelli, Stefania; Londero, Chiara; Soldano, Alessia; Candelaresi, Carlotta; Todeschini, Leonardo; Vernizzi, Luisa; Bellosta, Paola
Effects of Pin1 Loss in Hdh(Q111) Knock-in Mice
2016-01-01 Agostoni, E.; Michelazzi, S.; Maurutto, M.; Carnemolla, A.; Ciani, Y.; Vatta, P.; Roncaglia, P.; Zucchelli, S.; Leanza, G.; Mantovani, F.; Gustincich, Stefano; Santoro, C.; Piazza, S.; Del Sal, G.; Persichetti, F.
Effects of spike protein and toxin-like peptides found in COVID-19 patients on human 3D neuronal/glial model undergoing differentiation: Possible implications for SARS-CoV-2 impact on brain development
2022-01-01 Pistollato, Francesca; Petrillo, Mauro; Clerbaux, Laure-Alix; Leoni, Gabriele; Ponti, Jessica; Bogni, Alessia; Brogna, Carlo; Cristoni, Simone; Sanges, Remo; Mendoza-de Gyves, Emilio; Fabbri, Marco; Querci, Maddalena; Soares, Helena; Munoz, Amalia; Whelan, Maurice; Van de Eede, Guy
Engineering mammalian cell factories with SINEUP noncoding RNAs to improve translation of secreted proteins
2015-01-01 Patrucco, L.; Chiesa, A.; Soluri, M. F.; Fasolo, Francesca; Takahashi, H.; Carninci, P.; Zucchelli, Silvia; Santoro, C.; Gustincich, Stefano; Sblattero, D.; Cotella, D.
Engineering Translation in Mammalian Cell Factories to Increase Protein Yield: The Unexpected Use of Long Non-Coding SINEUP RNAs
2016-01-01 Zucchelli, Silvia; Patrucco, L.; Persichetti, F.; Gustincich, Stefano; Cotella, D.
Enhancing neuronogenesis and counteracting neuropathogenic gene haploinsufficiencies by RNA gene activation
2017-01-01 Mallamaci, Antonio
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