Sfoglia per SSD Settore BIO/13 - Biologia Applicata
The scent of genome complexity: exploring genomic instability in mouse Olfactory Epithelium
2017-01-26 Urzi, Alice
Shuffling of cis-regulatory elements is a pervasive feature of the vertebrate lineage
2006-01-01 Sanges, Remo; Kalmar, Eva; Claudiani, Pamela; D'Amato, Maria; Muller, Ferenc; Stupka, Elia
SINEUP lncRNAs: from molecular mechanism to therapeutic application.
2022-07-25 Pierattini, Bianca
SINEUP non-coding RNA activity depends on specific N6-methyladenosine nucleotides
2023-01-01 Pierattini, B.; D'Agostino, S.; Bon, C.; Peruzzo, O.; Alendar, A.; Codino, A.; Ros, G.; Persichetti, F.; Sanges, R.; Carninci, P.; Santoro, C.; Espinoza, S.; Valentini, P.; Pandolfini, L.; Gustincich, S.
SINEUP non-coding RNAs rescue defective frataxin expression and activity in a cellular model of Friedreich's Ataxia
2019-01-01 Bon, C.; Luffarelli, R.; Russo, R.; Fortuni, S.; Pierattini, B.; Santulli, C.; Fimiani, C.; Persichetti, F.; Cotella, D.; Mallamaci, A.; Santoro, C.; Carninci, P.; Espinoza, S.; Testi, R.; Zucchelli, S.; Condo, I.; Gustincich, S.
SINEUP non-coding RNAs rescue defective frataxin expression and activity in a cellular model of Friedreich’s Ataxia
2018-10-12 Bon, Carlotta
SINEUPs are modular antisense long non-coding RNAs that increase synthesis of target proteins in cells
2015-01-01 Zucchelli, Silvia; Fasolo, Francesca; Russo, Roberta; Cimatti, Laura; Patrucco, L.; Takahashi, H.; Jones, M. H.; Santoro, C.; Sblattero, Daniele; Cotella, D.; Persichetti, F.; Carninci, P.; Gustincich, Stefano
SINEUPs, a new class of antisense long non-coding RNAs that enhance synthesis of target proteins in cells: molecular mechanisms and applications
2017-01-27 Fasolo, Francesca
SINEUPs: A new class of natural and synthetic antisense long non-coding RNAs that activate translation
2015-01-01 Zucchelli, Silvia; Cotella, D.; Takahashi, H.; Carrieri, Claudia; Cimatti, Laura; Fasolo, Francesca; Jones, M. H.; Sblattero, Daniele; Sanges, Remo; Santoro, C.; Persichetti, F.; Carninci, P.; Gustincich, Stefano
SINEUPs: A novel toolbox for RNA therapeutics
2021-01-01 Espinoza, S.; Bon, C.; Valentini, P.; Pierattini, B.; Matey, A. T.; Damiani, D.; Pulcrano, S.; Sanges, R.; Persichetti, F.; Takahashi, H.; Carninci, P.; Santoro, C.; Cotella, D.; Gustincich, S.
Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy of CNGA1
2014-10-23 Maity, Sourav
Somatic retrotransposition alters the genetic landscape of the human brain
2011-01-01 Baillie, Jk; Barnett, Mw; Upton, Kr; Gerhardt, Dj; Richmond, Ta; DE SAPIO, F; Brennan, P; Rizzu, P; Smith, S; Fell, M; Talbot, Rt; Gustincich, Stefano; Freeman, Tc; Mattick, Js; Hume, Da; Heutink, P; Carninci, P; Jeddeloh, Ja; Faulkner, Gj
Spatial control of astrogenesis progression by cortical arealization genes
2023-01-01 Santo, Manuela; Rigoldi, Laura; Falcone, Carmen; Tuccillo, Mariacarmine; Calabrese, Michela; Martínez-Cerdeño, Verónica; Mallamaci, Antonello
The statistical geometry of transcriptome divergence in cell-type evolution and cancer
2015-01-01 Liang, C; Alam, I; Albanese, D; Altschuler, G; Andersson, R; Arakawa, T; Archer, J; Arner, E; Arner, P; Babina, M; Baillie, K; Bajic, V; Baker, S; Balic, A; Balwierz, P; Beckhouse, A; Bertin, N; Blake, Ja; Blumenthal, A; Bodega, B; Bonetti, A; Briggs, J; Brombacher, F; Burroughs, M; Califano, A; Cannistraci, C; Carbajo, D; Carninci, P; Chen, Yang; Chierici, M; Ciani, Y; Clevers, H; Dalla, Emiliano; Daub, C; Davis, C; De Hoon, M; De Lima Morais, D; Dermar, M; Diehl, A; Dimont, E; Dohl, T; Drabros, F; Edge, A; Edinger, M; Ekwall, K; Endoh, M; Enomoto, H; Fagiolini, M; Fairbairn, L; Fang, H; Farach Carson, Mc; Faulkner, G; Favorov, A; Fisher, M; Forrest, A; Francescatto, M; Freeman, T; Frith, M; Fujita, R; Fukuda, S; Furlanello, C; Furuno, M; Furusawa, J; Geijtenbeek, Tb; Gibson, A; Gingeras, T; Goldowithz, D; Gough, J; Guhl, S; Guler, R; Gustincich, Stefano; Ha, T; Haberle, V; Hamaguchi, M; Hara, M; Harbers, M; Harshbarger, J; Hasegawa, A; Hasegawa, Y; Hashimoto, T; Hayashizaki, Y; Herlyn, M; Heutink, P; Hide, W; Hitchens, K; Ho Sui, S; Hofmann, O; Hoof, I; Hori, F; Hume, D; Huminiecki, L; Iida, K; Ikawa, T; Ishizu, Y; Itoh, M; Jankovic, B; Jia, H; Jorgensen, M; Joshi, A; Jurman, G; Kaczkowski, B; Kai, C; Kaida, K; Kaiho, A; Kajiyama, K; Kanamori Katayama, M; Kasianov, A; Kasukawa, T; Katayama, S; Kato Ishikawa, S; Kawaguchi, S; Kawai, J; Kawaji, H; Kawamoto, H; Kawamura, Y; Kawashima, T; Kempfle, J; Kenna, T; Kere, J; Khachigian, L; Kitamura, T; Klinken, P; Knox, A; Kojima, M; Kojima, S; Kondo, N; Koseki, H; Koyasu, S; Krampitz, S; Kubosaki, A; Kulakovskiy, I; Kwon, At; Laros, J; Lassmann, T; Lenhard, B; Lennartsson, A; Li, K; Lilji, B; Lipovich, L; Lizio, M; Mackay Sim, A; Makeev, V; Manabe, R; Mar, J; Marchand, B; Mathelier, A; Medvedeva, Y; Meehan, Tf; Mejhert, N; Meynert, A; Mizuno, Y; Morikawa, H; Morimoto, M; Moro, K; Motakis, E; Motohashi, H; Mummery, C; Mungall, Cj; Murata, M; Nagao Sato, S; Nakachi, Y; Nakahara, F; Nakamura, T; Nakamura, Y; Nakazato, K; Ninomiya Fukuda, N; Nishiyori Sueki, H; Noma, S; Nozaki, T; Ogishima, S; Ohkura, N; Ohmiya, H; Ohno, H; Ohshima, M; Okada Hatakeyama, M; Okazaki, Y; Orlando, V; Ovchinnikov, D; Pain, A; Passier, R; Persson, H; Piazza, Silvano; Plessy, C; Pradhan Bhatt, S; Prendergast, J; Rackham, O; Ramilowski, J; Rashid, M; Ravasi, T; Rehli, M; Rizzu, P; Roncador, M; Roy, S; Rye, M; Saijyo, E; Sajantila, A; Saka, A; Sakaguchi, S; Sakai, M; Sandelin, A; Sato, H; Satoh, H; Suzana, S; Alka, S; Schaefer, U; Schmeier, S; Schmidl, C; Schneider, C; Schultes, Ea; Schulze Tanzil, G; Schwegmann, A; Semple, C; Sengstag, T; Severin, J; Sheng, G; Shimoji, H; Shimoni, Y; Shin, J; Simon, C; Sugiyama, D; Sugiyama, T; Summers, K; Suzuki, H; Suzuki, M; Suzuki, N; Swoboda, R; Hoen P, T; Tagami, M; Takahashi, N; Takai, J; Tanaka, H; Tatsukawa, H; Tatum, Z; Taylor, M; Thompson, M; Toyoda, H; Toyoda, T; Valen, E; Van De Wetering, M; Van Den Berg, L; Van Nimwegen, E; Verardo, R; Vijayan, D; Vitezic, M; Vorontzov, I; Wasserman, W; Watanabe, S; Wells, C; Winteringham, L; Wolvetang, E; Wood, Ej; Yamaguchi, Y; Yamamoto, M; Yoneda, M; Yonekura, Y; Yoshida, Shin'Ichirou; Young, R; Zabierowski, Se; Zhang, P; Zhao, X; Zucchelli, Silvia; Forrest, Ar; Wagner, Gp
Structural determinants of the SINE B2 element embedded in the long non-coding RNA activator of translation AS Uchl1
2018-01-01 Podbevšek, Peter; Fasolo, Francesca; Bon, Carlotta; Cimatti, Laura; Reißer, Sabine; Carninci, Piero; Bussi, Giovanni; Zucchelli, Silvia; Plavec, Janez; Gustincich, Stefano
Suppression of artifacts and barcode bias in high-throughput transcriptome analyses utilizing template switching
2013-01-01 Tang, D. T; Plessy, C; Salimullah, M; Suzuki, A. M; Calligaris, R; Gustincich, Stefano; Carninci, P.
The survey and reference assisted assembly of the Octopus vulgaris genome
2019-01-01 Zarrella, I.; Herten, K.; Maes, G. E.; Tai, S.; Yang, M.; Seuntjens, E.; Ritschard, E. A.; Zach, M.; Styfhals, R.; Sanges, R.; Simakov, O.; Ponte, G.; Fiorito, G.
Synaptic boutons are smaller in chandelier cell cartridges in autism
2023-01-01 Hong, Tiffany; Mcbride, Erin; Dufour, Brett D; Falcone, Carmen; Doan, Mai; Noctor, Stephen G; Martínez-Cerdeño, Verónica
Synthetic long non-coding RNAs [SINEUPs] rescue defective gene expression in vivo
2016-01-01 Indrieri, A.; Grimaldi, C.; Zucchelli, Silvia; Tammaro, R.; Gustincich, Stefano; Franco, B.
Targeted transgene integration overcomes variability of position effects in zebrafish
2014-01-01 Roberts, Jennifer Anne; Miguel-Escalada, Irene; Slovik, Katherine Joan; Walsh, Kathleen Theodora; Hadzhiev, Yavor; Sanges, Remo; Stupka, Elia; Marsh, Elizabeth Kate; Balciuniene, Jorune; Balciunas, Darius; Müller, Ferenc
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