Sfoglia per SSD Settore MAT/03 - Geometria
Canonical Surfaces an Hypersurfaces in Abelian Varieties
2018-03-26 Cesarano, Luca
Categorial mirror symmetry on K3 surfaces
1999-01-01 Bartocci, C.; Bruzzo, U.; Sanguinetti, G.
Cauchy surfaces and diffeomorphism types of globally hyperbolic spacetimes
2014-01-01 Torres Ruiz, Rafael
Chen-Ruan cohomology of Moduli of Curves
Codimension bounds for the Noether–Lefschetz components for toric varieties
2022-01-01 Bruzzo, U.; Montoya, W. D.
Cohomology of skew-holomorphic Lie algebroids
2010-01-01 Bruzzo, U.; Rubtsov, V.
The cohomology ring of the Hilbert scheme of 3 points on a smooth projective variety
1993-01-01 Fantechi, Barbara; Göttsche, Lothar
Comparison results for fat sub-Riemannian structures and Linear Quadratic optimal control problems
2015-10-26 Silveira Diaz, Pavel
Complex Lagrangian embeddings of moduli spaces of vector bundles
2001-01-01 Bruzzo, U.; Pioli, F.
Complexity of intersection of real quadrics and topology of symmetric determinantal varieties
2016-01-01 Lerario, Antonio
A comprehensive introduction to sub-Riemannian geometry
2019-01-01 Agrachev, A.; Barilari, D.; Boscain, U.
Configurations of points on degenerate varieties and properness of moduli spaces
2017-01-01 Abramovich, D.; Fantechi, Barbara
A construction of Frobenius manifolds from stability conditions
2019-01-01 Barbieri, A.; Stoppa, J.; Sutherland, T.
Convex Pencils of real quadratic forms
2012-01-01 Lerario, Antonio
CR regular embeddings and immersions of 6-manifolds into complex 4-space
2016-01-01 Torres Ruiz, Rafael
Crepant resolutions of ℂ3∕Z4 and the generalized Kronheimer construction (in view of the gauge/gravity correspondence)
2019-01-01 Bruzzo, Ugo; Fino, Anna; Fré, Pietro; Grassi, Pietro Antonio; Markushevich, Dimitri
Critical and Singular Dynamics in the Lorenz Equations
The curvature of optimal control problems with applications to sub-Riemannian geometry
2014-05-29 Rizzi, Luca
D-branes, surface operators, and ADHM quiver representations
2011-01-01 Bruzzo, U.; Chuang, W. Y.; Diaconescu, D. -E.; Jardim, M.; Pan, G.; Zhang, Y.
The d-critical structure on the Quot scheme of points of a Calabi-Yau 3-fold
2024-01-01 Ricolfi, At; Savvas, M
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