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The d-critical structure on the Quot scheme of points of a Calabi-Yau 3-fold
2024-01-01 Ricolfi, At; Savvas, M
d-wave pairing in lightly doped Mott insulators
2005-01-01 Plekhanov, E; Becca, Federico; Sorella, Sandro
D3-brane supergravity solutions from Ricci-flat metrics on canonical bundles of Kähler–Einstein surfaces
2023-01-01 Bruzzo, U.; Fré, P.; Shahzad, U.; Trigiante, M.
DADApy: Distance-based analysis of data-manifolds in Python
2022-01-01 Glielmo, Aldo; Macocco, Iuri; Doimo, Diego; Carli, Matteo; Zeni, Claudio; Wild, Romina; D'Errico, Maria; Rodriguez, Alex; Laio, Alessandro
Dalla medicina evoluzionistica alla medicina genomica
2005-01-01 Canali, Stefano
Dalla neurologia, alla neurobiologia, alle neuroscienze
2011-01-01 Canali, Stefano
Dalle cellule ai vasi : il concetto di infiammazione da Cohnheim a Virchow
1995-01-01 Canali, Stefano
Dall’ambiente interno all’omeostasi
2004-01-01 Canali, Stefano
Daniel Bovet
2001-01-01 Canali, Stefano
Dark Energy and Non-Gaussianity Through the Large Scale Structure
2010-07-28 D'Amico, Guido
Dark matter and galaxy rotation curves
2017-09-14 López Fune, Ernesto
Dark matter as a Bose-Einstein Condensate: the relativistic non-minimally coupled case
2014-01-01 Bettoni, Dario; Colombo, Rinaldo Mario; Liberati, Stefano
Dark Matter benchmark models for early LHC Run-2 Searches: Report of the ATLAS/CMS Dark Matter Forum
2020-01-01 Abercrombie, D.; Akchurin, N.; Akilli, E.; Maestre, J. A.; Allen, B.; Gonzalez, B. A.; Andrea, J.; Arbey, A.; Azuelos, G.; Azzi, P.; Backovic, M.; Bai, Y.; Banerjee, S.; Beacham, J.; Belyaev, A.; Boveia, A.; Brennan, A. J.; Buchmueller, O.; Buckley, M. R.; Busoni, G.; Buttignol, M.; Cacciapaglia, G.; Caputo, R.; Carpenter, L.; Castro, N. F.; Ceballos, G. G.; Cheng, Y.; Chou, J. P.; Gonzalez, A. C.; Cowden, C.; D'Eramo, F.; De Cosa, A.; De Gruttola, M.; De Roeck, A.; De Simone, A.; Deandrea, A.; Demiragli, Z.; Difranzo, A.; Doglioni, C.; du Pree, T.; Erbacher, R.; Erdmann, J.; Fischer, C.; Flaecher, H.; Fox, P. J.; Fuks, B.; Genest, M. -H.; Gomber, B.; Goudelis, A.; Gramling, J.; Gunion, J.; Hahn, K.; Haisch, U.; Harnik, R.; Harris, P. C.; Hoepfner, K.; Hoh, S. Y.; Hsu, D. G.; Hsu, S. -C.; Iiyama, Y.; Ippolito, V.; Jacques, T.; Ju, X.; Kahlhoefer, F.; Kalogeropoulos, A.; Kaplan, L. S.; Kashif, L.; Khoze, V. V.; Khurana, R.; Kotov, K.; Kovalskyi, D.; Kulkarni, S.; Kunori, S.; Kutzner, V.; Lee, H. M.; Lee, S. -W.; Liew, S. P.; Lin, T.; Lowette, S.; Madar, R.; Malik, S.; Maltoni, F.; Perez, M. M.; Mattelaer, O.; Mawatari, K.; Mccabe, C.; Megy, T.; Morgante, E.; Mrenna, S.; Moon, C. -S.; Narayanan, S. M.; Nelson, A.; Novaes, S. F.; Padeken, K. O.; Pani, P.; Papucci, M.; Paulini, M.; Paus, C.; Pazzini, J.; Penning, B.; Peskin, M. E.; Pinna, D.; Procura, M.; Qazi, S. F.; Racco, D.; Re, E.; Riotto, A.; Rizzo, T. G.; Roehrig, R.; Salek, D.; Pineda, A. S.; Sarkar, S.; Schmidt, A.; Schramm, S. R.; Shepherd, W.; Singh, G.; Soffi, L.; Srimanobhas, N.; Sung, K.; Tait, T. M. P.; Theveneaux-Pelzer, T.; Thomas, M.; Tosi, M.; Trocino, D.; Undleeb, S.; Vichi, A.; Wang, F.; Wang, L. -T.; Wang, R. -J.; Whallon, N.; Worm, S.; Wu, M.; Wu, S. L.; Yang, H.; Yang, Y.; Yu, S. -S.; Zaldivar, B.; Zanetti, M.; Zhang, Z.; Zucchetta, A.
Dark matter fraction in z ∼ 1 star-forming galaxies
2021-01-01 Sharma, G.; Salucci, P.; Van De Ven, G.
Dark matter from late decays and the small-scale structure problems
2008-01-01 Borzumati, Francesca; Bringmann, T.; Ullio, Piero
Dark Matter halo parameters from overheated exoplanets via Bayesian hierarchical inference
2024-01-01 Benito, María; Karchev, Konstantin; Leane, Rebecca K.; Põder, Sven; Smirnov, Juri; Trotta, Roberto
Dark Matter in Fractional Gravity III: Dwarf Galaxies Kinematics
2023-01-01 Benetti, Francesco; Lapi, Andrea; Gandolfi, Giovanni; Butt, Minahil Adil; Boumechta, Yacer; Haridasu, Balakrishna S.; Baccigalupi, Carlo
Dark Matter in Fractional Gravity. I. Astrophysical Tests on Galactic Scales
2023-01-01 Benetti, F.; Lapi, A.; Gandolfi, G.; Salucci, P.; Danese, L.
Dark Matter Indirect Detection and Collider Search: the Good and the Bad
2015-07-15 Busoni, Giorgio
Dark Matter production from relativistic bubble walls
2021-01-01 Azatov, Aleksandr; Vanvlasselaer, Miguel; Yin, Wen
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