Falqui, Gregorio
Falqui, Gregorio
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Risultati 1 - 9 di 9 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.018 secondi).
A note on the super Krichever map
2001-01-01 Falqui, Gregorio; Reina, Cesare; Zampa, Alessandro
A sample of algebro-geometrical techniques in (super) string theory
BRS cohomology and topological anomalies
1985-01-01 Falqui, Gregorio; Reina, Cesare
Chiral asymmetry for Kähler-Dirac fields in Kaluza-Klein theories
1984-01-01 Falqui, Gregorio; Martellini, M.; Reina, Cesare
Krichever Maps, Faà di Bruno Polynomials, and Cohomology in KP Theory
1997-01-01 Falqui, Gregorio; Reina, Cesare; Zampa, A.
Moduli spaces and geometrical aspects of two-dimensional conformal field theories
1990-10-29 Falqui, Gregorio
N=2 super Riemann surfaces and algebraic geometry
1990-01-01 Falqui, Gregorio; Reina, Cesare
Some remarks on an algobro-geometrical close-up to Superstring theory
1989-01-01 Falqui, Gregorio; Martellini, M.; Reina, Cesare; Teofilatto, P.
Super KP equations and Darboux transformations: another perspective on the Jacobian Super KP hierarchy
2000-01-01 Falqui, Gregorio; Reina, Cesare; Zampa, Alessandro