Tavecchio, Fabrizio
Tavecchio, Fabrizio
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
CMB quenching of high-redshift radio-loud AGNs
2015-01-01 Ghisellini, Gabriele; Haardt, Francesco; Ciardi, B.; Sbarrato, T.; Gallo, E.; Tavecchio, Fabrizio; Celotti, Anna Lisa
EeV astrophysical neutrinos from flat spectrum radio quasars
2020-01-01 Righi, C.; Palladino, A.; Tavecchio, F.; Vissani, F.
Radio-loud active galactic nuclei at high redshifts and the cosmic microwave background
2014-01-01 Ghisellini, Gabriele; Celotti, Anna Lisa; Tavecchio, Fabrizio; Haardt, Francesco; Sbarrato, T.
Radio-to-γ-ray monitoring of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PMN J0948 + 0022 from 2008 to 2011
2012-01-01 Foschini, L; Angelakis, E; Fuhrmann, L; Ghisellini, G; Hovatta, T; Lahteenmaki, A; Lister, Ml; Braito, V; Gallo, L; Hamilton, Ts; Kino, M; Komossa, S; Pushkarev, Ab; Thompson, Dj; Tibolla, O; Tramacere, A; Carraminana, A; Carrasco, L; Falcone, A; Giroletti, M; Grupe, D; Kovalev, Yy; Krichbaum, Tp; Max-moerbeck, W; Nestoras, I; Pearson, Tj; Porras, A; Readhead, Acs; Recillas, E; Richards, Jl; Riquelme, D; Sievers, A; Tammi, J; Tornikoski, M; Ungerechts, H; Zensus, Ja; Celotti, A; Bonnoli, G; Doi, A; Maraschi, L; Tagliaferri, G; Tavecchio, F.
The BL lacertae objects OQ 530 and S5 0716+714 - Simultaneous observations in the X-rays, radio, optical and TeV bands
2003-01-01 Tagliaferri, G.; Ravasio, M.; Ghisellini, G.; Giommi, P.; Massaro, E.; Nesci, R.; Tosti, G.; Aller, M. F.; Aller, H. D.; Celotti, A.; Maraschi, L.; Tavecchio, F.; Wolter, A.
The power of relativistic jets is larger than the luminosity of their accretion disks
2014-01-01 Ghisellini, Gabriele; Tavecchio, Fabrizio; Maraschi, L.; Celotti, Anna Lisa; Sbarrato, T.