Cecotti, Sergio
Cecotti, Sergio
4d N = 2 gauge theories and quivers: The non-simply laced case
2012-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Del Zotto, M.
A model for a light graviphoton
1986-01-01 Barbieri, R.; Cecotti, S.
A new supersymmetric index
1992-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Fendley, P; Intriligator, K; Vafa, C.
A new supersymmetric index
1993-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Fendley, P; Intriligator, K; Vafa, C.
A new supersymmetric index
1993-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Fendley, P. INTRILIGATOR K. VAFA C.
A supersymmetry anomaly and the fermionic string
1984-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Girardello, L.
A topological formula for the Kähler potential of 4D N=1,2 strings and its implications for the moduli problem
1988-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Ferrara, S; Girardello, L.
A trick for the computation of some non-Gaussian path integrals
1985-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio
An exceptional N=2 supergravity model with partial super-Higgs and flat potential
1986-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Giradello, L; Porrati, M.
BPS quivers and spectra of complete N=2 Quantum Field Theories
2013-01-01 Alim, M; Cecotti, Sergio; Cordova, C; Espahbodi, S; Rastogi, A; Vafa, C.
Categorical tinkertoys for N=2 gauge theories
2013-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio
Categorical Webs and S-Duality in 4d N=2 QFT
2019-01-01 Caorsi, M.; Cecotti, S.
Classification of complete N=2 supersymmetric theories in 4 dimensions
2013-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Vafa, C.
Constraints on partial super-Higgs
1986-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Girardello, L; Porrati, M.
Cosmological attractor models and higher curvature supergravity
2014-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Kallosh, R.
Couplings in F-theory and non-commutative geometry
2011-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Cheng, M. C. N.; Heckman, J. J.; Vafa, C.
Exact results for supersymmetric-sigma models
1992-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Vafa, C.
Exact results for two-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric theories (an introduction to the tt* technique)
1994-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio
Flat potentials in higher derivative supergravity
1987-01-01 Cecotti, Sergio; Ferrara, S; Giradello, L.
FQHE and tt * geometry
2019-01-01 Bergamin, R.; Cecotti, S.