Bonato, Matteo
Bonato, Matteo
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Another look at distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background spectrum
2016-01-01 De Zotti, Gianfranco; Negrello, M.; Castex, Guillaume Jean Serge; Lapi, Andrea; Bonato, Matteo
Does the evolution of the radio luminosity function of star-forming galaxies match that of the star-formation rate function?
2017-01-01 Bonato, Matteo; Mattia, Negrello; Mancuso, Claudia; De Zotti, Gianfranco; Paolo, Ciliegi; Zhen Yi, Cai; Lapi, Andrea; Marcella, Massardi; Anna, Bonaldi; Anna, Sajina; Vernesa, Smolcic; Eva, Schinnerer
Exploring the early dust-obscured phase of galaxy formation with blind mid-/far-infrared spectroscopic surveys
2014-01-01 Bonato, Matteo; Negrello, Mattia; Cai, Z. Y.; De Zotti, Gianfranco; Bressan, Alessandro; Lapi, Andrea; Gruppioni, C.; Spinoglio, L.; Danese, Luigi
Exploring the relationship between black hole accretion and star formation with blind mid-/far-infrared spectroscopic surveys
2014-01-01 Bonato, Matteo; Negrello, Mattia; Cai, Z. Y.; De Zotti, Gianfranco; Bressan, Alessandro; Lapi, Andrea; Pozzi, F.; Gruppioni, C.; Danese, Luigi
Predictions for surveys with the SPICA Mid-infrared Instrument
2015-01-01 Bonato, Matteo; Negrello, Mattia; Cai, Z. Y.; De Zotti, Gianfranco; Bressan, Alessandro; Wada, T.; Kohno, K.; Maiolino, R.; Gruppioni, C.; Pozzi, F.; Lapi, Andrea