Diamond, Mathew Ernest
Diamond, Mathew Ernest
'Where' and 'what' in the whisker sensorimotor system
2008-01-01 Diamond, Mathew Ernest; von Heimendahl, M; Knutsen, Pm; Kleinfeld, D; Ahissar, E.
'Where' and 'what' in the whisker sensorimotor system (Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2008) 9, (601-612))
2008-01-01 Diamond, Mathew E.; Von Heimendahl, Moritz; Knutsen, Per Magne; Kleinfeld, David; Ahissar, Ehud
A Fluorescent Dye Method Suitable for Visualization of One or More Rat Whiskers
2018-01-01 Rigosa, Jacopo; Lucantonio, Alessandro; Noselli, Giovanni; Fassihi, Arash; Zorzin, Erik; Manzino, Fabrizio; Pulecchi, Francesca; Diamond, Mathew E
A sensory integration account for time perception
2021-01-01 Toso, Alessandro; Fassiki, Arash; Paz, Luciano; Pulecchi, Francesca; Diamond, Mathew E.
Active sensation: Insights from the rodent vibrissa sensorimotor system
2006-01-01 Kleinfeld, D; Ahissar, E; Diamond, Mathew Ernest
Active touch sensing
2011-01-01 Prescott, Tj; Diamond, Mathew Ernest; Wing, Am
Algorithms of whisker-mediated touch perception
2014-01-01 Maravall, M.; Diamond, Mathew Ernest
An innocuous bias in whisker use in adult rats modifies receptive fields of barrel cortex neurons
1994-01-01 Armstrong-James, Michael; Diamond, Mathew E.; Ebner, Ford F.
Auditory stimuli elicit hippocampal neuronal responses during sleep
2012-01-01 Vinnik, E; Antopolskiy, Sergey; Itskov, Pm; Diamond, Mathew Ernest
Barrels v: Proceedings of a satellite symposium of the 1992 society for neuroscience meeting
1993-01-01 Diamond, Mathew E.; Erzurumlu, Reha S.; Fox, Kevin D.; Jacquin, Mark F.
Behavioral study of whisker-mediated vibration sensation in rats
2012-01-01 Adibi, M.; Diamond, Mathew Ernest; Arabzadeh, Ehsan
Coding in the whisker sensory system
2013-01-01 Diamond, Mathew Ernest; Arabzadeh, E.
Coding of stimulus location by spike timing in rat somatosensory cortex
2002-01-01 Panzeri, S.; Petersen, R. S; Schultz, S. R; Lebedev, M. A; Diamond, M. E
Coherence between rat sensorimotor system and hippocampus is enhanced during tactile discrimination
2016-01-01 Grion, Natalia; Akrami, A.; Zuo, Yanfang; Stella, Federico; Diamond, Mathew Ernest
Complementary contributions of spike timing and spike rate to perceptual decisions in rat S1 and S2 cortex
2015-01-01 Zuo, Yanfang; Safaai, Houman; Notaro, Giuseppe; Mazzoni, Alberto; Panzeri, Stefano Vittorio Tiziano; Diamond, Mathew Ernest
Computational study of experience-dependent plasticity in adult rat cortical barrel-column
1999-01-01 Beňušková, Lubica; Ebner, Ford F.; Diamond, Mathew E.; Armstrong-James, Michael
Conserved visual capacity of rats under red light
2021-01-01 Nikbakht, N.; Diamond, M. E.
Contribution of supragranular layers to sensory processing and plasticity in adult rat barrel cortex
1998-01-01 Huang, Wei; Armstrong-James, Michael; Rema, V.; Diamond, Mathew E.; Ebner, Ford F.
Coordinated population activity underlying texture discrimination in rat barrel cortex
2013-01-01 Safaai, H; von Heimendahl, M; Sorando, J. M.; Diamond, Mathew Ernest; Maravall, M.
Correlated physiological and perceptual effects of noise in a tactile stimulus
2010-01-01 Lak, A.; Arabzadeh, E.; Harris, J. A.; Diamond, M. E.