Piroli, Lorenzo
Piroli, Lorenzo
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Correlation and entanglement spreading in nested spin chains
2019-01-01 Modak, Ranjan; Piroli, Lorenzo; Calabrese, Pasquale
Correlations and diagonal entropy after quantum quenches in XXZ chains
2017-01-01 Piroli, Lorenzo; Vernier, Eric Jamil; Calabrese, Pasquale; Rigol, M.
Determinant formula for the field form factor in the anyonic Lieb-Liniger model
2020-01-01 Piroli, L.; Scopa, S.; Calabrese, P.
Entanglement asymmetry study of black hole radiation
2024-01-01 Ares, Filiberto; Murciano, Sara; Piroli, Lorenzo; Calabrese, Pasquale
Entanglement dynamics of thermofield double states in integrable models
2022-01-01 Lagnese, G.; Calabrese, P.; Piroli, L.
Entanglement evolution and generalised hydrodynamics: noninteracting systems
2018-01-01 Bertini, Bruno; Fagotti, Maurizio; Piroli, Lorenzo; Calabrese, Pasquale
Exact dynamics following an interaction quench in a one-dimensional anyonic gas
2017-01-01 Piroli, Lorenzo; Calabrese, Pasquale
Exact formulas for the form factors of local operators in the Lieb-Liniger model
2015-01-01 Piroli, Lorenzo; Calabrese, Pasquale
Exact local correlations and full counting statistics for arbitrary states of the one-dimensional interacting Bose gas
2018-01-01 Bastianello, Alvise; Piroli, Lorenzo; Calabrese, Pasquale
Exact solution for the quench dynamics of a nested integrable system
2017-01-01 Mestyan, Marton; Bertini, Bruno; Piroli, Lorenzo; Calabrese, Pasquale
Exact steady states for quantum quenches in integrable Heisenberg spin chains
2016-01-01 Piroli, Lorenzo; Vernier, Eric Jamil; Calabrese, Pasquale
From the quantum transfer matrix to the quench action: the Loschmidt echo in XXZ Heisenberg spin chains
2017-01-01 Piroli, Lorenzo; Pozsgay, Balázs; Vernier, Eric
From the sinh-Gordon field theory to the one-dimensional Bose gas: exact local correlations and full counting statistics
2018-01-01 Bastianello, Alvise; Piroli, Lorenzo
Generalized hydrodynamics of the repulsive spin-1/2 Fermi gas
2022-01-01 Scopa, S.; Calabrese, P.; Piroli, L.
Generalized-hydrodynamic approach to inhomogeneous quenches: correlations, entanglement and quantum effects
2021-01-01 Alba, Vincenzo; Bertini, Bruno; Fagotti, Maurizio; Piroli, Lorenzo; Ruggiero, Paola
Integrable quenches in nested spin chains I: the exact steady states
2019-01-01 Piroli, L.; Vernier, E.; Calabrese, P.; Pozsgay, B.
Integrable quenches in nested spin chains II: Fusion of boundary transfer matrices
2019-01-01 Piroli, L.; Vernier, E.; Calabrese, P.; Pozsgay, B.
Local correlations in the attractive one-dimensional Bose gas: From Bethe ansatz to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
2016-01-01 Piroli, Lorenzo; Calabrese, Pasquale
Low-temperature transport in out-of-equilibrium XXZ chains
2018-01-01 Bertini, Bruno; Piroli, Lorenzo
Many-Body Entropies and Entanglement from Polynomially Many Local Measurements
2024-01-01 Vermersch, Benoît; Ljubotina, Marko; Cirac, J. Ignacio; Zoller, Peter; Serbyn, Maksym; Piroli, Lorenzo