8.4 Master thesis in High Performance Computing (HPC)
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.392
NA - Nord America 6.865
AS - Asia 3.817
AF - Africa 241
SA - Sud America 192
OC - Oceania 35
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 28
Totale 20.570
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.157
IT - Italia 3.324
RU - Federazione Russa 1.338
DE - Germania 1.295
CN - Cina 947
IN - India 880
GB - Regno Unito 875
IE - Irlanda 622
CA - Canada 593
SE - Svezia 507
SG - Singapore 401
UA - Ucraina 313
FR - Francia 283
HK - Hong Kong 276
TR - Turchia 231
JP - Giappone 198
ID - Indonesia 178
NL - Olanda 175
VN - Vietnam 117
CH - Svizzera 105
KR - Corea 101
ES - Italia 100
BR - Brasile 88
AT - Austria 79
PL - Polonia 73
BE - Belgio 64
FI - Finlandia 64
MX - Messico 51
PH - Filippine 51
TW - Taiwan 47
CO - Colombia 43
IR - Iran 42
BD - Bangladesh 40
PK - Pakistan 36
TH - Thailandia 33
ZA - Sudafrica 33
DZ - Algeria 31
NG - Nigeria 31
RO - Romania 31
AU - Australia 30
EG - Egitto 30
JO - Giordania 30
MY - Malesia 29
LB - Libano 28
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 27
EU - Europa 27
GR - Grecia 26
AR - Argentina 25
GT - Guatemala 24
LK - Sri Lanka 21
MA - Marocco 21
IL - Israele 19
CR - Costa Rica 18
NP - Nepal 16
CM - Camerun 14
NO - Norvegia 13
PT - Portogallo 13
DK - Danimarca 11
ET - Etiopia 11
HN - Honduras 11
HU - Ungheria 11
LT - Lituania 11
CL - Cile 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
GH - Ghana 10
SI - Slovenia 10
EC - Ecuador 9
PE - Perù 9
RW - Ruanda 9
BF - Burkina Faso 8
EE - Estonia 8
SA - Arabia Saudita 8
UZ - Uzbekistan 8
CY - Cipro 7
KE - Kenya 7
MM - Myanmar 7
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 7
VE - Venezuela 7
ZW - Zimbabwe 7
IQ - Iraq 6
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 6
NA - Namibia 6
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 6
BH - Bahrain 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
LU - Lussemburgo 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
OM - Oman 5
CU - Cuba 4
RS - Serbia 4
SC - Seychelles 4
UG - Uganda 4
BY - Bielorussia 3
MD - Moldavia 3
NI - Nicaragua 3
SV - El Salvador 3
TN - Tunisia 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
HR - Croazia 2
LY - Libia 2
Totale 20.546
Città #
Dublin 601
Trieste 521
Scuola 514
Chandler 511
Munich 419
Kansas City 417
Ann Arbor 405
Montréal 375
Beijing 347
Redwood City 312
Mcallen 275
Moscow 247
Jacksonville 232
Singapore 232
Boardman 214
Ashburn 200
Wilmington 196
New York 175
Jakarta 159
Dearborn 152
Rome 147
Hong Kong 129
Woodbridge 126
Toronto 114
Izmir 107
Gurgaon 105
Saint Petersburg 104
Stevenage 103
Dong Ket 101
Houston 101
Milan 101
Nanjing 84
North Bergen 82
Istanbul 74
Tokyo 72
Princeton 64
Udine 64
New Delhi 60
Southend 59
Bologna 58
Eindhoven 57
Mumbai 52
Seattle 52
Shanghai 52
Pignone 50
Brussels 48
Los Angeles 47
Cologne 46
Kraków 45
Palo Alto 45
Pisa 45
Bangalore 44
Helsinki 43
Santa Clara 43
Brooklyn 42
Ogden 42
Nanchang 40
Vienna 39
Fremont 38
Kaiserslautern 37
Berlin 36
Washington 36
Turin 34
Bolzano 32
Guangzhou 32
Fairfield 31
Abano Terme 29
London 29
Torre Del Greco 29
Trento 29
Chennai 28
Paderborn 26
Strasbourg 26
Amman 25
Pune 25
Vimodrone 25
Chicago 24
Rotterdam 24
Ampezzo 23
Amsterdam 23
Boston 23
Cambridge 22
Edinburgh 22
Karlsruhe 22
Kunming 22
Taipei 22
Zurich 22
Barcelona 21
Genoa 21
Las Vegas 21
Paris 21
Scafati 21
Bengaluru 20
Lausanne 20
Kumar 19
Padova 19
San Jose 19
Dhaka 18
San Francisco 18
Zhengzhou 18
Totale 10.243
Nome #
Characterization of the “Generali” customers as a network and profiling of its communities 1.646
Deep Learning for Nanoscience Scanning Electron Microscope Image Recognition 1.048
Fraud detection and link analysis in Genertel’s customer network 1.046
Feature learning and clustering analysis for images classification 984
Large-Scale Implementation of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group Algorithm 837
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics on Intel Xeon Phi based supercomputers 774
A performance study of Quantum ESPRESSO’s diagonalization methods on cutting edge computer technology for high-performance computing 662
FPGA in HPC: High Level Synthesys of OpenCL kernels for Molecular Dynamics 614
Discrete Simulation of DDN IME® for architecture prototyping 533
Big-Data in climate change models. A novel approach with Hadoop MapReduce 473
Reengineering and optimization of GEOtop software package 452
Analysis of OpenFOAM performance obtained using modern C++ parallelization techniques 436
Computational challenges in cosmological tests of gravity 435
A computational ecosystem for near real-time satellite data processing 413
Scientific image processing within the NFFA-EUROPE Data Repository 404
Parallel implementation of the Krylov subspace techniques for unitary time evolution of disordered quantum strongly correlated systems 371
Coupling of i-PI and ONETEP codes to enable large/petaScale simulations for first principles modeling of both electrons and nuclei for thousands of atoms 371
Core building blocks for massively parellel multi-physics applications 367
Representation of distribution networks of ships using graph-theory 338
Isogeometric analysis in HPC: object oriented design and open source massively parallel implementation 317
High performance data analysis and visualization tools for the MedBFM physical-biogeochemical model 294
High performance programming paradigms applied to computational fluid dynamic simulations 288
Application-level energy profiling: the CO.S.IN.T case study 281
Increasing speedup of naval hull workflow optimization using Reduced Order Methods 280
Distributed systems for neural network models 275
Toward the Forecasting of Volcanic Plumes 257
Development of a computational toolbox to analyse first-passage times and diffusion coefficients in heterogeneous soft-matter system 256
Accelerating production of cosmic microwave background maps with deflation preconditioners 246
Multi constellation GNSS based TEC calibration 241
Large-scale Exact Diagonalization of spin models with non-Abelian symmetries for the study of Many-Body Localization 237
A HPC approach to the Boundary Conditions for the Copernicus biogeochemical model of the Mediterranean Sea 236
Multioutput regression of noisy time series using convolutional neural networks with applications to gravitational waves 234
Cosmic ray propagation with high dimensional finite element method 234
Improving performance of basis-set-free hartree-fock calculations through grid-based massively parallel techniques 231
A parallel clustering algorithm for image segmentation 220
Analysis of hybrid parallelization strategies: simulation of Anderson localization and Kalman Filter for LHCb triggers 215
Massively parallel approaches to frustrated quantum magnets 211
Parallel implementations for complex graph analysis with application in modern passenger ship safety management 207
Towards exascale BEM simulations: hybrid parallelisation strategies for boundary element methods 206
Shyfem parallelization: an innovative task approach for coastal environment FEM software 203
Multi-label classification of computed tomography scan reports 194
Parallelizing the Data Assimilation scheme used by Copernicus Forecasting system of the Mediterranean Sea 193
Data management tools for NFFA-EUROPE project 192
Performance-driven refactoring of Potts associative memory network model 189
HPC implementations in the SHYFEM hydrodynamic model using the PETSc library and application to modern architectures 189
Porting of the LBE3D to GPU with OpenACC 174
Representation Learning and Hierarchical Clustering for microscopy images 167
Novel application of neural networks in model recognition for cosmic microwave background data analysis 158
Modernizing a high performance cluster: a case for ICMS at Temple University 148
Detection of recurring behavior in banking data 146
Calibration of the GEOtop model using evolutionary algorithms on supercomputers 144
Solving non-linear chemical equations for gas cooling with GPU offloading using OpenACC 144
Enhancing modularity of simulation software through modern C++ features on the example of GADGET 142
Porting of DSMC to multi-GPUs using OpenACC 137
Compressing medical images with minimal information loss 135
Extension of the -BEM library for use in a seakeeping pipeline 132
GPU accelerated contact simulations 128
Parallel Markov Chain generator for GNY and ø4 models: an implementation aimed for critical phenomena studies. 126
Clustering strategy for selection of relevant genes in single cell transcriptomics 123
Leveraging Multi-Omics and Clinical Datasets of Parkinson's Disease with Machine Learning 122
Renewal and Optimization of ScamPy: a Python API for painting galaxies on top of dark matter simulations 120
AP-IO: an asynchronous I/O pipeline for CFD code ASHEE 114
Exploring innovative approaches in industrial and academic HPC applications 107
Improve investigating gravitational-wave sources with the help of MPI and OpenMP interface 100
Forwarding GADGET to exa-scale 100
Performance Evaluation of HPC algorithms in different architectures 90
Zernike mode analysis for advanced wavefront imaging 69
Optimization of the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo code (DSMC3D) for rarefied gas flow simulations 53
Optimizing the LIGO Summary Pages Pipeline 52
ISTEDDAS: a new direct N-body code on GPU to study merging compact-object binaries in star clusters 47
Power efficiency of high energy physics applications on CPU and GPU 37
Totale 21.448

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.848 0 0 0 0 0 339 399 245 180 256 260 169
2020/20212.868 258 274 317 297 177 294 243 226 205 185 157 235
2021/20221.857 159 109 131 130 179 83 292 199 218 72 124 161
2022/20232.732 271 231 201 232 222 494 322 172 296 83 98 110
2023/20242.285 143 120 164 97 261 406 182 173 231 139 117 252
2024/20252.469 594 304 483 707 334 47 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 21.448