Fabrizio, Michele
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.150
NA - Nord America 6.076
AS - Asia 2.054
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 39
SA - Sud America 14
AF - Africa 5
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 15.342
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.803
RU - Federazione Russa 1.752
SE - Svezia 1.207
CN - Cina 1.018
IT - Italia 992
IE - Irlanda 895
UA - Ucraina 712
DE - Germania 481
TR - Turchia 392
GB - Regno Unito 390
SG - Singapore 322
CA - Canada 272
FI - Finlandia 251
HK - Hong Kong 174
FR - Francia 115
BE - Belgio 85
CH - Svizzera 83
VN - Vietnam 52
EU - Europa 37
RO - Romania 36
NL - Olanda 32
GR - Grecia 28
LB - Libano 27
AT - Austria 23
PL - Polonia 23
IN - India 18
IL - Israele 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
UZ - Uzbekistan 12
BR - Brasile 11
JP - Giappone 9
KR - Corea 6
LU - Lussemburgo 6
SI - Slovenia 6
ES - Italia 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
EG - Egitto 3
PT - Portogallo 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
AU - Australia 2
CL - Cile 2
EE - Estonia 2
IR - Iran 2
MY - Malesia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SC - Seychelles 2
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
DK - Danimarca 1
ID - Indonesia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MC - Monaco 1
MX - Messico 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 15.342
Città #
Chandler 1.200
Jacksonville 899
Dublin 895
Ann Arbor 504
New York 414
Scuola 413
Saint Petersburg 398
Izmir 389
Wilmington 355
Nanjing 284
Woodbridge 252
Ashburn 241
Toronto 233
Moscow 187
Hong Kong 173
Pisa 156
Princeton 152
Singapore 114
Bremen 113
Nanchang 113
Ogden 110
Trieste 110
Helsinki 106
Beijing 105
Houston 82
Brussels 62
Boardman 55
Dong Ket 51
Hebei 50
Kunming 47
Brooklyn 45
Jiaxing 45
Tianjin 42
Falls Church 39
Lausanne 39
Milan 37
Seattle 37
Ottawa 36
Shenyang 35
Timisoara 34
Dearborn 30
Orange 29
Changsha 27
Hangzhou 25
Verona 25
Santa Clara 24
Rome 23
Guangzhou 22
Kraainem 22
Auburn Hills 21
Washington 21
Candelo 19
Lanzhou 18
Norwalk 18
Shanghai 18
Changchun 17
Frankfurt Am Main 17
Jinan 16
Lappeenranta 12
Las Vegas 12
Giv‘atayim 11
Den Haag 9
Fairfield 9
Zhengzhou 9
Indiana 7
Latina 7
Warsaw 7
Ludwigshafen 6
Napoli 6
Ningbo 6
Phoenix 6
Costa Mesa 5
Dallas 5
Dalmine 5
Hamburg 5
Jacareí 5
Ljubljana 5
Los Angeles 5
Munich 5
Rockville 5
Shenzhen 5
Torino 5
Turin 5
Walnut 5
Aversa 4
Borås 4
Cagliari 4
Chicago 4
Dongguan 4
London 4
Padova 4
Plauen 4
San Mateo 4
Sauris 4
Southend 4
Taizhou 4
Venice 4
Aachen 3
Amsterdam 3
Atlanta 3
Totale 9.277
Nome #
New results for interacting Fermi systems: the 2D Hubbard model at low density and the two coupled chain problem 268
Mottness at finite doping and charge instabilities in cuprates 172
Field-Driven Mott Gap Collapse and Resistive Switch in Correlated Insulators 170
Dynamical phase transitions and Loschmidt echo in the infinite-range XY model 157
Electronic transport and dynamics in correlated heterostructures 157
Kondo conductance across the smallest spin 1/2 radical molecule 156
Magnetic impurities in nanotubes: From density functional theory to Kondo many-body effects 154
Cooling quasiparticles in A(3)C(60) fullerides by excitonic mid-infrared absorption 144
Charge Disproportionation, Mixed Valence, and Janus Effect in Multiorbital Systems: A Tale of Two Insulators 144
Correlation-driven Lifshitz transition and orbital order in a two-band Hubbard model 143
Co adatoms on Cu surfaces: Ballistic conductance and Kondo temperature 142
Ultrafast orbital manipulation and Mott physics in multi-band correlated materials 142
Ultrafast evolution and transient phases of a prototype out-of-equilibrium Mott-Hubbard material 140
Ferromagnetic Kondo Effect in a Triple Quantum Dot System 138
Dynamical quantum phase transitions and broken-symmetry edges in the many-body eigenvalue spectrum 137
Ultrafast optical spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials and high-temperature superconductors: a non-equilibrium approach 136
Emergent D6 symmetry in fully relaxed magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene 136
Kondo Effect of Magnetic Impurities in Nanotubes 135
Nonadiabatic stationary behaviour in a driven low-dimensional gapped system 135
Characterization of the Bose-glass phase in low-dimensional lattices 134
Few electrons in the Hubbard model 133
Gutzwiller electronic structure calculations applied to transition metals: Kinetic energy gain with ferromagnetic order in bcc Fe 133
Absence of thermalization in a Fermi liquid 130
Quantum fluctuations beyond the Gutzwiller approximation 130
Superconductivity from spoiling magnetism in the Kondo lattice model 129
Lattice and surface effects in the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the Hubbard model 127
Linear ramps of interaction in the fermionic Hubbard model 127
Kondo effect of magnetic impurities on nanotubes 126
Collective spin 1 singlet phase in high-pressure oxygen 126
Nonequilibrium variational cluster perturbation theory: Quench dynamics of the quantum Ising model 126
Nonequilibrium dynamics in the antiferromagnetic Hubbard model 124
Mott physics beyond Brinkman-Rice scenario 123
Bose-glass, superfluid, and rung-Mott phases of hard-core bosons in disordered two-leg ladders 123
Nonequilibrium and nonhomogeneous phenomena around a first-order quantum phase transition 122
Nanomechanical dissipation at a tip-induced Kondo onset 122
Robust s(+/-) superconductivity in a two-band Hubbard-Frohlich model of alkali-doped organics 119
Nonequilibrium gap collapse near a first-order Mott transition 119
Quantum quenches in the Hubbard model: Time-dependent mean-field theory and the role of quantum fluctuations 118
Many-body breakdown of indirect gap in topological Kondo insulators 118
Sub-Ohmic two-level system representation of the Kondo effect 118
Electron-doped organics: Charge-disproportionate insulators and Hubbard-Fröhlich metals 117
Colloquium: Modeling the unconventional superconducting properties of expanded A(3)C(60) fullerides 117
Z(2) gauge theory description of the Mott transition in infinite dimensions 117
Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in quantum impurity models with superconducting channels 116
Dynamical behavior across the Mott transition of two bands with different bandwidths 115
Magnetic x-ray Compton scattering 114
Localization and glassy dynamics in many-body quantum systems 113
Real-time diagrammatic Monte Carlo for nonequilibrium quantum transport 113
Unbinding slave spins in the Anderson impurity model 113
A single-chain analysis of doped quasi-one-dimensional spin-1 compounds: paramagnetic versus spin 1/2 doping 112
Metallic, magnetic and molecular nanocontacts 111
Local moments and magnetic order in the two-dimensional Anderson-Mott transition 110
Variational Monte Carlo approach to the two-dimensional Kondo lattice model 110
Low-temperature magnetic ordering and structural distortions in vanadium sesquioxide V2O3 107
Exciton Mott transition revisited 107
Interplay of charge and spin dynamics after an interaction quench in the Hubbard model 107
Time-Dependent Mean Field Theory for Quench Dynamics in Correlated Electron Systems 106
Strong correlations in a nutshell 106
Coulomb couplings in positively charged fullerene 106
Lack of Kondo screening at nanocontacts of nearly magnetic metals 103
Anderson localization in bipartite lattices 103
One-dimensional multiband correlated conductors and Anderson impurity physics 102
Light-cone effect and supersonic correlations in one- and two-dimensional bosonic superfluids 102
Mott transition in bosonic systems: Insights from the variational approach 101
Kondo conductance in an atomic nanocontact from first principles 101
From Luttinger liquid to Mott insulator: The correct low-energy description of the one-dimensional Hubbard model by an unbiased variational approach 101
Surface Dead Layer for Quasiparticles Near a Mott Transition 101
Variational description of Mott insulators: the case of the t-t' one-dimensionalHubbard model 100
The out-of-equilibrium time-dependent gutzwiller approximation 100
Unraveling the Mott-Peierls intrigue in vanadium dioxide 100
Finite-temperature Gutzwiller approximation and the phase diagram of a toy model for V2O3 100
Direct observation of orbital ordering in V2O3 by X-ray resonant scattering technique 99
Strongly correlated superconductivity and pseudogap phase near a multiband Mott insulator 99
Orbital occupancy order in V2O3: Resonant X-ray scattering results 99
Theory of phonon dissipation in the conduction of stressed Au nanowires 98
Critical properties of the double-frequency sine-Gordon model with applications 98
Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and dimerization in a disordered spin-Peierls model: Exact results 98
Superfluid to Mott-insulator transition in Bose-Hubbard models 98
Destruction of Kondo correlations in a four electron quantum dot withspin-orbit interactions 98
Two-level physics in a model metallic break junction 97
Electron-vibration coupling constants in positively charged fullerene 96
Anisotropy in the two-channel Kondo model: Cross-over from non-Fermi-liguid to Fermi-liquid behavior 96
Disordered flat phase in a solid-on-solid model of fcc(110) surfaces and dimer states in quantum spin-1/2 chains 95
X-ray resonant scattering as a direct probe of orbital ordering in transition-metal oxides 95
Density-matrix renormalization-group study of the spin gap in a one-dimensional Hubbard model: Effect of the distant transfer and exchange coupling 95
From band insulator to Mott insulator in one dimension 95
Properties of Gutzwiller wave functions for multiband models 95
Fermi-surface evolution across the magnetic phase transition in the Kondo lattice model 95
Gutzwiller description of non-magnetic Mott insulators: Dimer lattice model 94
Nanoscale orbital excitations and the infrared spectrum of a molecular Mott insulator: A15-Cs3C60 94
Strong correlations in electron doped phthalocyanine conductors near half filling 93
Surprises in the phase diagram of an Anderson impurity model for a single C-60(n)- molecule 93
Extended dynamic Mott transition in the two-band Hubbard model out of equilibrium 93
Direct transition between a singlet Mott insulator and a superconductor 93
Selective Transient Cooling by Impulse Perturbations in a Simple Toy Model 93
Totale 11.670
Categoria #
all - tutte 68.704
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 68.704

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.655 0 0 370 29 168 38 335 236 195 102 163 19
2020/20211.744 216 9 22 172 59 336 184 11 204 230 77 224
2021/20221.433 241 165 12 157 241 44 79 167 41 54 61 171
2022/20233.859 562 350 317 309 205 893 359 332 383 22 51 76
2023/20242.022 112 233 54 38 228 666 66 120 358 41 30 76
2024/20251.416 972 358 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.186