Bussi, Giovanni
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.180
NA - Nord America 5.901
AS - Asia 2.548
SA - Sud America 67
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 26
OC - Oceania 15
AF - Africa 7
Totale 16.744
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.687
RU - Federazione Russa 2.723
IT - Italia 1.828
SE - Svezia 1.038
CN - Cina 1.017
IE - Irlanda 786
SG - Singapore 592
UA - Ucraina 503
TR - Turchia 341
HK - Hong Kong 324
GB - Regno Unito 307
DE - Germania 262
CA - Canada 201
FI - Finlandia 169
FR - Francia 129
NL - Olanda 118
CH - Svizzera 90
VN - Vietnam 66
BE - Belgio 64
BR - Brasile 51
IN - India 39
MY - Malesia 36
JP - Giappone 35
AT - Austria 31
PL - Polonia 28
EU - Europa 25
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 23
LB - Libano 23
ES - Italia 20
RO - Romania 20
IR - Iran 18
GR - Grecia 14
AU - Australia 11
UZ - Uzbekistan 10
KR - Corea 8
MX - Messico 8
PH - Filippine 7
CO - Colombia 6
CL - Cile 5
DK - Danimarca 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
BD - Bangladesh 4
IQ - Iraq 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PK - Pakistan 4
HR - Croazia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
IL - Israele 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
TW - Taiwan 3
KE - Kenya 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LT - Lituania 2
LV - Lettonia 2
PA - Panama 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
UY - Uruguay 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
BO - Bolivia 1
DM - Dominica 1
HN - Honduras 1
ID - Indonesia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
QA - Qatar 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 16.744
Città #
Chandler 1.038
Scuola 830
Dublin 785
Jacksonville 632
Ann Arbor 510
Moscow 474
Boardman 343
New York 325
Hong Kong 317
Wilmington 317
Singapore 309
Ashburn 275
Saint Petersburg 258
Trieste 237
Woodbridge 237
Nanjing 234
Izmir 220
Toronto 174
Princeton 117
Istanbul 116
Shanghai 112
Houston 100
Beijing 90
Santa Clara 89
Ogden 86
Helsinki 80
Dearborn 71
Nanchang 63
Dong Ket 62
Rome 59
Milan 57
Brussels 56
Brooklyn 53
Redwood City 42
Pisa 41
Kunming 39
Falls Church 38
Lausanne 35
Tianjin 35
Seattle 34
Bologna 33
Candelo 31
Hangzhou 29
Changsha 28
Shenyang 27
Amsterdam 23
Chicago 22
Hebei 22
Torino 22
Jiaxing 20
Ottawa 19
Washington 18
Genova 17
Guangzhou 17
Udine 17
Dongguan 16
Las Vegas 16
Naples 16
Paris 16
Tarvisio 16
Vienna 16
Verona 15
Zurich 15
Tokyo 14
Changchun 13
Taizhou 13
Zhengzhou 13
Auburn Hills 12
Borås 12
Frankfurt Am Main 11
Los Angeles 11
Ningbo 11
Norwalk 11
San Francisco 11
Timisoara 11
Wuhan 11
Hanover 10
Den Haag 9
Hefei 9
Padova 9
Redmond 9
Vajont 9
Bangalore 8
Orange 8
Oxford 8
Ulan-ude 8
Frankfurt am Main 7
Genoa 7
Lanzhou 7
Reggio Emilia 7
Strasbourg 7
Aigle 6
Fairfield 6
Kanpur 6
London 6
Lugano 6
Modena 6
Munich 6
Palermo 6
São Paulo 6
Totale 9.791
Nome #
Free-energy calculations with metadynamics: theory and practice 418
Using metadynamics to explore complex free-energy landscapes 361
Metadynamics: A Unified Framework for Accelerating Rare Events and Sampling Thermodynamics and Kinetics 282
Promoting transparency and reproducibility in enhanced molecular simulations 258
Analyzing and Biasing Simulations with PLUMED 244
Structural determinants of the SINE B2 element embedded in the long non-coding RNA activator of translation AS Uchl1 227
COMP 8-Canonical sampling through velocity rescaling 223
Using the maximum entropy principle to combine simulations and solution experiments 213
Automated Force-Field Parametrization Guided by Multisystem Ensemble Averages 212
Unravelling Mg2+-RNA binding with atomistic molecular dynamics 207
A nucleobase-centered coarse-grained representation for structure prediction of RNA motifs 199
RNA Conformational Fluctuations from Elastic Network Models: A Comparison with Molecular Dynamics and Shape Experiments 181
RNA Structural Dynamics As Captured by Molecular Simulations: A Comprehensive Overview 180
Machine learning a model for RNA structure prediction 180
Effects and limitations of a nucleobase-driven backmapping procedure for nucleic acids using steered molecular dynamics 179
Predicting the kinetics of RNA oligonucleotides using Markov state models 178
A Nucleobase-Centric Coarse-Grained Model for Structure Prediction of RNA Fragments 177
Combining simulations and solution experiments as a paradigm for RNA force field refinement 172
Barnaba: software for analysis of nucleic acid structures and trajectories 170
Atomistic Details of Chymotrypsin Conformational Changes upon Adsorption on Silica 168
Directional translocation resistance of Zika xrRNA 168
Elastic network models for RNA: a comparative assessment with molecular dynamics and SHAPE experiments 167
Conformational transitions in adenine sensing riboswitch: A computational study 167
Hamiltonian replica-exchange in GROMACS: a flexible implementation 167
Exploring RNA structure and dynamics through enhanced sampling simulations 165
Kissing loop interaction in adenine riboswitch: insights from umbrella sampling simulations 164
ATP dependent NS3 helicase interaction with RNA: insights from molecular simulations 159
Accurate multiple time step in biased molecular simulations 159
Enhanced Conformational Sampling using Replica Exchange with Collective-Variable Tempering 159
Probing Riboswitch Binding Sites with Molecular Docking, Focused Libraries, and In-line Probing Assays 154
Empirical corrections to the Amber RNA force field with Target Metadynamics 153
RNA Folding Pathways in Stop Motion 152
Optics and transport in conjugated polymer crystals: Interchain interaction effects 152
Role of Magnesium Ions and Ligand Stacking in the Adenine Riboswitch Folding 150
Conformational ensembles of an RNA hairpin using molecular dynamics and sparse NMR data 150
Light-emitting polymers: a first-principles analysis of singlet-exciton harvesting in PPV 149
The Role of Nucleobase Interactions in RNA Structure and Dynamics 149
RNA Conformational Ensembles: Narrowing the GAP between Experiments and Simulations with Metadynamics 149
COMP 271-Accurate sampling using stochastic dynamics 148
Toward empirical force fields that match experimental observables 147
Free Energy Landscape of GAGA and UUCG RNA Tetraloops 147
Ligand-induced stabilization of the aptamer terminal helix in the add adenine riboswitch 146
Understanding In-line Probing Experiments by Modeling Cleavage of Non-reactive RNA Nucleotides 144
Conformational ensembles of RNA oligonucleotides from integrating NMR and molecular simulations 143
Exploring the Dynamics of Propeller Loops in Human Telomeric DNA Quadruplexes Using Atomistic Simulations 142
Nearest neighbor parameters for RNA from metadynamics simulations 141
Determination of Structural Ensembles of Proteins: Restraining vs Reweighting 141
Using Reweighted Pulling Simulations to Characterize Conformational Changes in Riboswitches 140
Assessing the accuracy of direct-coupling analysis for RNA contact prediction 140
Reactive force field simulation of proton diffusion in BaZrO3 using an empirical valence bond approach 139
Ab initio study of transport parameters in polymer crystals 139
RNA unwinding: What we can learn from atomistic simulations 138
Accurate sampling using Langevin dynamics 136
SaX: An open source package for electronic-structure and optical-properties calculations in the GW approximation 135
Enhanced sampling in molecular dynamics using metadynamics, replica-exchange, and temperature-acceleration 135
Optical properties of organic materials: from single molecules to solid state 135
A symmetrized-basis approach to excitons in carbon nanotubes 135
Symmetry and asymmetry in the unwinding of nucleic acids 134
Folding of guanine quadruplex molecules – funnel-like mechanism or kinetic partitioning? An overview from MD simulation studies 132
Protein folding with combined parallel tempering and metadynamics 130
A simple asynchronous replica-exchange implementation 129
Bowl Inversion of Surface-Adsorbed Sumanene 129
Computer Folding of RNA Tetraloops: Identification of Key Force Field Deficiencies 128
Hairpins participating in folding of human telomeric sequence quadruplexes studied by standard and T-REMD simulations 127
Ab initio complex band structure of conjugated polymers: Effects of hydrid density functional theory and GW schemes 127
Ab-initio study of excitonic effects in conventional and organic semiconductors 126
Fibrillation-prone conformations of the amyloid-β-42 peptide at the gold/water interface 126
Structural Role of Uracil DNA Glycosylase for the Recognition of Uracil in DNA Duplexes. Clues from Atomistic Simulations 124
Canonical sampling through velocity rescaling 124
Understanding CNG Channels Gating Process by MD Simulations 123
Theory of Resonance Raman Scattering in Carbon Nanotubes using Excitonic Intermediate States 123
Free-Energy Landscape for β Hairpin Folding from Combined Parallel Tempering and Metadynamics 122
PLUMED: A portable plugin for free-energy calculations with molecular dynamics 121
Molecular Dynamics Simulations Reveal an Interplay between SHAPE Reagent Binding and RNA Flexibility 121
Unraveling effects of disorder on the electronic structure of SiO2 from first principles 120
PHYS 410-Beta-hairpin folding with parallel-tempering and metadynamics 119
Effects of the electron-hole interaction on the optical properties of materials: the Bethe-Salpeter equation 118
Asymmetric base-pair opening drives helicase unwinding dynamics 117
Conjugate gradient heat bath for ill-conditioned actions 116
PLUMED 2: New feathers for an old bird 116
Fitting Corrections to an RNA Force Field Using Experimental Data 116
RNA/Peptide Binding Driven by Electrostatics-Insight from Bidirectional Pulling Simulations 114
Ensemble of transition state structures for the cis-trans isomerization of N-methylacetamide 113
Role of the Subunit Interactions in the Conformational Transitions in Adult Human Hemoglobin: an Explicit Solvent Molecular Dynamics Study 112
Langevin Equation with Colored Noise for Constant-Temperature Molecular Dynamics Simulations 112
Colored-Noise Thermostats à la Carte 111
Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes: An Ab Initio Symmetry-Based Approach 109
Pressure control using stochastic cell rescaling 108
Metadynamics with adaptive Gaussians 107
Well-tempered metadynamics: A smoothly converging and tunable free-energy method 107
The mechanism of RNA base fraying: Molecular dynamics simulations analyzed with core-set Markov state models 106
Charge transport and radiative recombination in polythiophene crystals: a first-principles study 106
Towards de novo RNA 3D Structure Prediction 105
Interchain interaction and Davydov splitting in polythiophene crystals: An ab initio approach 105
Improving the Performance of the Amber RNA Force Field by Tuning the Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions 105
Solid State Effects on Exciton States and Optical Properties of PPV 104
Molecular Dynamics of Solids at Constant Pressure and Stress Using Anisotropic Stochastic Cell Rescaling 102
Automatic Learning of Hydrogen-Bond Fixes in the AMBER RNA Force Field 99
Quantum interferences in the Raman cross section for the radial breathing mode in metallic carbon nanotubes 99
First-principles approach for the calculation of optical properties of one-dimensional systems with helical symmetry: The case of carbon nanotubes 99
Totale 14.924
Categoria #
all - tutte 77.195
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 77.195

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.073 0 0 0 0 0 0 376 196 168 122 154 57
2020/20211.499 195 20 23 159 70 259 153 24 148 170 79 199
2021/20221.547 183 165 42 164 250 53 100 146 87 72 76 209
2022/20233.376 498 350 290 328 185 631 347 245 320 30 70 82
2023/20241.773 125 49 57 41 248 580 81 110 290 46 33 113
2024/20254.197 798 402 600 1.221 627 325 224 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.423